Cystitis tablets are medicines that have several pharmacological properties. Some stop inflammation, others destroy infectious pathogens or reduce the severity of symptoms. In most cases, doctors prescribe several medications to patients to speed up recovery as much as possible.

The choice of medications for the treatment of cystitis in women and men is huge. These are antibiotics for the treatment of infectious pathologies, antimycotics for fungal therapy. NSAIDs and antispasmodics cope well with pain, and eubiotics restore the intestinal microflora.
Cystitis medications with antibacterial and antimicrobial properties are the first choice when the infectious nature of the pathology is detected. They destroy pathogenic bacteria and prevent them from moving up through the ureters to the kidneys.
Any antibacterial medication for cystitis is prescribed only after establishing the species of the pathogen. Many of them managed to develop resistance to drugs previously used to treat other pathologies. Therefore, when bacterially inoculating the biomaterial, the sensitivity of microorganisms to antimicrobials is necessarily revealed.
Which cystitis remedies are most in demand:
- The drug with pipemidic acid is a representative of the clinical and pharmacological group of quinolones. The use of tablets for cystitis in bladder lesions Proteus vulgaris, Klebsiellapneumoniae, Pseudomonasaeruginosa, Escherichacoli is practiced.
- The medicine is fast-acting, as it contains the latest generation antibiotic, a derivative of phosphonic acid. The drug reaches maximum concentration in urine, allowing to significantly reduce the duration of treatment. It is enough to take 1 day to destroy all representatives of pathogenic and opportunistic microflora of bacterial origin. A single dose of the drug is practiced only for acute pathology.
- Powerful antimicrobial agent from the fluoroquinolone group, to which the majority of gram-negative and gram-positive bacteria have not developed resistance. The medicine is quite well tolerated and can be used for both acute and chronic cystitis.
In some cases, other antimicrobial tablets, for example sulfonamides, are additionally prescribed. If these medications are ineffective, other antibacterial cystitis medications are included in treatment regimens. These are macrolides, semi-synthetic penicillins, including those protected by clavulanic acid.
Treatment regimens for cystitis in women and men with antibacterial drugs are drawn up taking into account the form of the disease. In acute pathology, therapy rarely lasts more than a week and the use of other medications is not necessary. A chronic disease is treated for about a month with tablets of various pharmacological groups.
Herbal remedies
Cystitis tablets with herbal ingredients are quite effective. They have a gentle, mild effect and rarely cause side effects. The pharmacy's assortment includes single-component and combined herbal preparations.
Herbal tablets for cystitis are usually prescribed when a chronic disease is diagnosed. The components of the herbal medicine accumulate in the urinary organs. They have a long-lasting effect, stopping inflammation and eliminating pain.
Here is a list of the most commonly used tablets:
- A preparation based on centaur herb, lovage roots and rosemary leaves. Pills for cystitis have pronounced diuretic activity. They are mainly used in complex treatments together with antibiotics and local antiseptics. This remedy for cystitis in women is also characterized by antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties.
- Product with fir oils, peppermint, castor oil, wild carrot extracts, hops, oregano. These include tablets for cystitis and a thick, viscous solution that smells like medicinal plants. It is an antispasmodic of natural origin. The demand for this herbal remedy for cystitis is explained by its complex effect on the bladder - anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, diuretic.
- A medicine containing cranberry extract and ascorbic acid. The pharmacy assortment has recently been replenished with this medicine for cystitis in women. Its therapeutic efficacy is based on the pharmacological action of dry cranberry extract. When using this remedy for cystitis in women, it must be taken into account that it is a dietary supplement.
The herbal remedy for cystitis has proven itself well in therapy. This thick paste for preparing a drink eliminates all painful symptoms within a few hours. Most often it is used for exacerbation of chronic cystitis.
Typically, cystitis affects the mucous or inner layer of the bladder, but often the muscular membrane is also involved in the pathological process. In these cases, sharp pain occurs, aggravated by urination. It is necessary to use an effective medication for cystitis, which will quickly improve the patient's well-being.
The first choice medications are antispasmodics that normalize the tone of the smooth muscles of the bladder:
- Inexpensive tablets for cystitis from the group of isoquinoline derivatives, the effect of which has been tested by time. In terms of pharmacological properties, the medicine is similar to opium alkaloid, but exceeds it in duration of action. This remedy for cystitis reduces the tone of the smooth muscles of internal organs and reduces their motor activity.
- A strange structural analogue of the previous medicine, a kind of quick help for cystitis. It is enough to take one pill and after a few minutes the dull, dull pain in the lower abdomen disappears.
Recently, for acute cystitis, doctors increasingly prescribe a combined drug from the analgesic group. The medicine for cystitis in women and men also has an antipyretic effect. This is especially true when signs of general intoxication appear. Antispasmodics are cystitis medications used only for symptomatic therapy.
Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are medications that are almost always included in therapeutic regimens. They block the production of prostaglandins, bradykinins and arachidonic acids. The use of anti-inflammatory drugs for cystitis allows you to simultaneously eliminate all its symptoms. They are fast-acting medications that present analgesic activity within 10 minutes.
The list of the most effective NSAIDs includes the following tablets:
- Anti-inflammatory of the sulfonamide class for cystitis of any origin, capable of eliminating burning and cramps when urinating.
- An inexpensive medicine for cystitis from the group of propionic acid derivatives, which copes well with acute and chronic inflammatory processes.
- Effective tablets from the group of phenylacetic acid derivatives against cystitis for women suffering from frequent false urge to urinate;
- Medicine from the oxicam group for the treatment of cystitis in women and men with rapid dissemination of infectious agents.
- Inexpensive and effective tablets from the group of propionic acid derivatives, which quickly stop inflammatory processes, reduce the intensity of pain and burning.
Treatment of chronic cystitis in women with drugs from the NSAID group lasts no more than 10 days. These tablets have a significant side effect - ulceration of the gastric mucosa. Therefore, it is advisable to take them for cystitis in women together with proton pump inhibitors.
Antifungal agents
It is very rare to take systemic antimycotics for cystitis. This need usually arises when diagnosing a fungal pathology provoked by representatives of opportunistic microflora. NSAIDs, analgesics and herbal remedies are used against candidal cystitis. But the basis of pathogenetic treatment is the use of such tablets:
- An effective remedy for cystitis caused by Candida spp. This triazole derivative interferes with the biosynthesis of ergosterols necessary for the construction of cell membranes by infectious agents.
- The best remedy for cystitis of mycotic origin. Antifungal drug, antibiotic from the polyene group that disrupts the permeability of cells of pathogenic microorganisms.
- Macrocyclic polyene antibiotic with antifungal activity. The best medicine is in solution. It has a fungicidal or fungistatic effect depending on the concentration in biological fluids and the sensitivity of the pathogen.
Tablets for the treatment of candidal pathology are used until the infectious agents are completely eliminated. The patient is considered recovered if no fungus is detected in biological samples. All of the above medications are also used to prevent cystitis in women and men. For example, if antibiotic therapy caused a sharp decrease in immunity.
Pathogenic drugs
Pathogenetic treatment aims to block the mechanisms of disease development. Therapy uses the most effective tablets for cystitis - systemic antibiotics, antimycotics, antimicrobials and antihistamines. Only they are able to eliminate the cause of bladder inflammation as quickly as possible. Those tablets that remove the factor that causes pain and burning, without providing an increase in the pharmacological load, are considered good.
What means are considered the most effective:
- acute cystitis is perfectly cured with phosphonic acid derivatives in the form of single-dose tablets, as well as with quinolones;
- in the case of chronic cystitis, in addition to antibiotics, it is necessary to use immunomodulators and immunostimulants.
For a specific infection provoked by Treponema pallidum, gonococci and ureaplasmas, macrolides are most often prescribed. Treatment at home is quick, as long as the correct selection of pills is used. Incorrect diagnosis causes the inflammatory process to spread to the renal structures.
Medications for non-infectious cystitis
Bladder damage can also be non-infectious - radiation, allergic, medication. Usually, the elimination of the provoking factor is enough to weaken the inflammatory process. But with microtraumas of the mucous membrane, it is necessary to treat chronic cystitis in women or men with regeneration stimulants.
These are drugs that, when penetrating the body, trigger powerful recovery processes. Taking enterosorbents also helps to quickly cure cystitis of non-infectious origin. They bind toxic substances, including allergens, and then evacuate them from the body. In case of acute or chronic allergies, it is necessary to use antihistamine tablets for cystitis.
Remedies for recovery after cystitis
Bladder inflammation rarely occurs without consequences. They are especially serious in cases of sluggish chronic pathology. Irreversible damage to areas of the mucosa, even atrophy, is often detected. In this case, the best pills for cystitis complications are included in the treatment regimen:
- Immunostimulants. Medicines strengthen the body's defenses, which becomes a good prevention of the development of the disease in the future.
- Balanced complexes of vitamins, micro and macro elements. Strengthen the immune system, increase mental and physical performance.
- A medicine to restore mucous membranes. Eliminates exacerbations, eliminates residual symptoms of the disease by increasing bladder capacity and the intervals between the urge to urinate and regenerates tissues.
Antibiotic therapy negatively affects the composition of intestinal and vaginal microbiocenosis. There is a possibility that in places where beneficial bacteria have died out, representatives of opportunistic microflora are quickly becoming active. To prevent chronic cystitis from worsening after a few weeks, treatment is carried out with medications from the eubiotic group.
Other groups of drugs
In addition to antibiotics, bacteriophages are considered the best medicine in the treatment of inflammation of infectious etiology. This is the name of medicines whose active ingredients are viruses. They are absolutely inert to healthy cells in the human body. Bacteriophages invade only those affected by pathogenic bacteria. After the infectious agents are destroyed, the viruses are excreted unchanged.
Doctors often prescribe sedatives. Inexpensive remedies with a calming effect - alcohol tinctures and valerian tablets, motherwort. They help eliminate nervousness, anxiety and improve sleep quality.
Cystitis pills can be cheap or expensive and consist of herbal or synthetic components. The main thing is that its use eliminates the symptoms and causes of inflammatory pathology as quickly as possible. Self-medication is meaningless. Taking even the most powerful antibiotics is useless for non-infectious diseases. Seeking medical help at the first signs of cystitis (burning sensation, pain when emptying the bladder) will help significantly speed up recovery, preventing the development of serious complications.